About Wordify

Welcome to Wordify, your effortless companion for learning one new word a day.

We believe that language learning should be simple, engaging, and seamlessly integrated into your daily life. With Wordify, all it takes is a moment of curiosity to expand your vocabulary in a new language.

How It Works

  • Look Around and Learn
    See something around you and want to know its name in another language? Wordify lets you capture that curiosity in seconds. Registered users can instantly translate words into their target language and save them to their personal dictionary.
  • For Unregistered Users
    Not ready to register? You can still use Wordify! However, unregistered users must manually input both the word and its translation to save it to the local state on their device.
  • Minimalist Design
    Wordify is designed to show just one word and its translation at a time. Set it as your browser's home tab, and every time you open a new tab, you'll see your word of the day. This subtle reinforcement helps you memorize words effortlessly.
  • Build Your Dictionary
    As a registered user, every word you learn is saved to your personal dictionary. Over time, you'll have a collection of all the words you've discovered, making it easy to review and track your progress.

Why Wordify?

  • No distractions. Just the word and its translation.
  • Learn at your own pace. One word a day is manageable and effective.
  • Personalized learning. Discover words that are relevant to you and your life.
    Note: Registration is required to access the automatic translation feature and to save learned words to your dictionary.

Start your journey to mastering a new language, one word at a time. Let Wordify be the key to opening the door to new cultures, ideas, and opportunities.

Sign up and start learning today!